2023 Membership Fee Update: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What payment options exist for families who require financial assistance?

Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT is proactive in supporting members who are affected by financial hardship to pay their membership fees. In NSW, families may take advantage of the NSW Government’s Active Kids and Creative Kids voucher program contributing to the cost of a youth membership. In the NT, families may take advantage of the Sports Voucher program to contribute towards the cost of a youth membership.
Members who are experiencing financial hardship may apply for their fees to be paid or reduced from Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT’s  Support Fund .

Why have membership fees increased?

The increase has been driven by sustained cost increases across our organisation. The Board and management have worked hard to avoid passing on costs. Several strategic initiatives  are in progress to support future organisational sustainability and to work to avoid relying on membership fee increases in future years.

Becoming financially sustainable will ensure we can continue to empower girls and young women to build better communities and offer a quality program including to develop the confidence and resilience of girls and young women.

Where does my membership fee go?

The membership fee contributes to the following costs to operate Guiding:
  • Worldwide Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) contribution;
  • Girl Guides Australia (GGA) contribution;
  • Child Safety compliance (including access to eGuiding learning modules);
  • Other compliance and regulatory requirements (e.g., financial and operational recording and reporting, asset management);
  • Volunteer Personal Accident & Cyber Insurance;
  • Guiding Experience support (e.g. grants, facility support, events, accounting, membership, communications, volunteer support); and
  • Guide House operations to support all the above.

What are the 2023 Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT membership fees?

The membership fee increases will take effect mid-December 2022 for all 2023 memberships.

Members who require financial support to pay their membership fees should contact [email protected].

If you can Pay It Forward, you can donate now to cover or subsidise the Membership fee for another Member in need. This generous donation will go to support more girls and women access Guiding. Donate here.

Who is responsible for the decision to increase membership fees?

The Board is responsible for setting the membership fee.
The Board and CEO have legal obligations to ensure the ongoing financial stability of the organisation.

Is Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT in financial difficulty?

No. The Board has a statutory responsibility to make decisions that are in the best interests of the organisation including meeting its obligations. This means the Board makes difficult choices to ensure a viable future. Acting now enables us to make controlled choices to minimise any potential negative impact on Guiding and enables the organisation to continue to deliver the Australian Guiding Program (AGP) to empower girls and young women to discover their potential as leaders of their world.

Why can’t I pay my term fees online with my Membership renewal/application?

Annual membership fees are collected by Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT to cover the operational expenses of a Member joining our organisation.
Any Term Fees are at present payable direct to the Unit/District that the Youth Member attends, and these fees support the local functioning of the Unit/District, including programming expenses.

Why can I no longer pay in two six-monthly instalments?

The option to split the membership fee across two six-monthly instalments was only available to Youth Members in the ACT and in NSW. Due to the complexities of this arrangement, changes to the Active Kids Voucher arrangements and the increased administration, this payment option is longer available. We are investigating options to pay by direct deposit, PayPal, and other payment options.

Where can I give my feedback?

Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT is committed to continuing to provide quality Guiding experiences across our State and Territories, while ensuring membership fees are sustainable for all Members. As always, your feedback is important to us. Any ideas you may have about how Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT can diversify its revenue streams are welcome. Please reach out to your Region Manager, the CEO, or contact the Board Chair and State Commissioner by email.
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