The Great Guide Sleepover

Get excited for one of the most highly anticipated Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT events!

The Great Guide Sleepover is one of the most highly anticipated Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT events. The first sleepover was held in 1996 on the steps of the Opera House to raise awareness and funds for homeless communities.
Since then, the Sleepover has become a tradition, moving locations over the years but always funding a cause for the community. Now in its 29th year we continue to support Territory Wildlife Park (TWP) and Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT through this fundraiser with an eventful weekend of exhibits, keeper talks, an animal encounter, sleeping under the stars, Guiding, animals, and more.
This year we are fundraising for a local favourite, the Northern Long Neck Turtle. Donations received by online fundraising will remain open through the event, however please check the grassroots fundraising page for specific cut off dates for fundraising amounts for prize consideration.


Saturday 10am - Sunday 2pm  


Territory Wildlife Park, Darwin


Members ages 5+, Pre Junior Guides, Junior Guides, Guides, Senior Guides, Adult Members and Adult Helpers.

Please check this page for any program updates



  • See TWP what's on page.
  • Collection of event badge!
  • Lunch (provided)
  • After hours entry to Wildlife Park
  • Dinner (provided))
  • Presentation of fundraising prizes
  • Exclusive animal encounter just for Girl Guides! 
  • Toad bust
  • Night train
  • Quiz
  • Sleeping under the stars


  • Rise and shine by the surrounding animal calls 
  • Breakfast (provided) 
  • See TWP what's on page.
  • Lunch (provided)

Please check with your Unit Leader for a specific kit list, but for now here is a list of essential items.


Make sure to have your name written on all items. 
Ensure that you pack as small as possible. Please leave all phones and devices at home.

  • Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Torch
  • Insect repellent
  • Themed outfit (if you choose)
  • ADM.27 (youth) to give to your Unit Leader


Participants are encouraged to dress to the Great Guide Sleepover theme for Saturday night but this is not compulsory. At all other times Girl Guide uniform should be worn. 


2024 Fundraising Information

In 2024, we're raising vital funds for the Northern Long Neck Turtle!

GGS Darwin Fundraiser  

Fundraising tips

Fundraising doesn’t have to be difficult. So follow these ten simple tips for success, and feel free to reach out to us at any time so we can help with your fundraising journey.
  1. Start your fundraising early.
  2. Once you create your Grassrootz fundraising page, share it. Keep your supporters engaged by regularly posting pictures and updates on your activities.
  3. Update your email signature and social media bio’s to include information about Girl Guides and your fundraising campaign.
  4. You can use social media* to help your campaign and also provide more information about your fundraising focus. Download social media badges and graphics under the resources section.
  5. Ask your family, friends, teachers, and neighbours for their support. Share your fundraising page, let them know what you are fundraising for and keep them updated on how you are progressing to reach your goal.
  6. Draw up a list of your potential donors and approach them for their support (consider businesses in your committee or work colleagues).
  7. Always ensure you are with a friend or responsible adult at all times.
  8. Work in your Unit as a fundraising team. Teams are truly a great way to get others involved, have fun, and access a wider pool of resources and networks.
  9. Make a donation yourself to set the expectation. If you have a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or christening, ask your friends to donate to your fundraiser instead of buying a gift.
  10. Be cheerful, courteous and don’t forget to say thank you. Thank your supporters in person, via email or with a card and let them know how much you raised.
  11. Have Fun!
*  Ask your parents to share your link on their social media accounts. If you’re old enough and have permission you may use your own account too.

Fundraising FAQs

  1. Is fundraising required this year for everyone?
    No, fundraising is optional but highly encouraged. There are prizes available for those raising as little as $100
  2. Who can help fundraise for the Great Guide Sleepover?
    Guides, Leaders, and Parent Helpers are all able to create a fundraising page. Just sign up under your Unit, create your page and fundraise away!
  3. What happens if I receive a cheque or cash donation? 
    Donations will only be accepted by the online Grassrootz portal.
  4. Can additional donations to Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT be made?
    Yes, you are able to donate directly to Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT through the main page of Grassrootz by using the link in the About Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT section.
  5. When do I need to return my fundraising money to Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT?
    Leaders are responsible for ensuring that Guides who are fundraising have submitted their funds through the online Grassrootz portal. 
    All fundraising for prizes must be submitted the Wednesday prior to your GGS event. That means: 
    5pm Wed 19 June 2024
    The online fundraising portal will remain open through the event however to be eligible for prizes all monies must be in by the above date.

Individual Prizes
$100 - $249 raised: 2 x Scaly Friends encounters + TWP merch.
$250 - $499 raised: 2 x 1 day pass (1 Adult + 1 Child) + 1 x On the Glove encounter
$500+ raised: 1 x Super Family day pass + 1 x Secret Creatures encounter
Only 1 individual prize will be given to each fundraiser for the category in which they reach.

Unit Prize
The highest fundraising Unit will receive a Scaly Friends Encounter for each Unit Member. The highest fundraising Unit will be calculated as a 'per person' amount so that every Unit has equal chance of becoming the highest fundraising Unit. Minimum amounts apply as follows:
6-10 girls - $300 or above
11-15 girls - $550 or above
16-20 girls - $800 or above
21-24 girls - $1050 or above


Step by step guide to setting up your fundraising account.

Do’s & Don’ts for Charitable Fundraising

We’ve provided some great suggestions to help you fundraise for this unique Guiding event. But before you hit the ground running, please take time to read the following list of Do’s and Don’ts for Guides aged 10–17 (otherwise known as the boring but ever so important legal bits)

  • Guides are to be adequately clothed in uniform and otherwise protected from extremes of climate or temperature.
  • At all times reasonably practical, participating Guides must be able to contact their parent/s during the fundraising activities.
  • Guides must be adequately supervised. Their supervisor must supervise no more than six Guides; be in close proximity and make contact with the Guides at intervals not greater than 30 minutes.
  • Guides must work with at least one other Guide raising funds for the Sleepover.
  • There must be 12 hours between shifts.
  • Parents or Guardians should ensure that Guides receive appropriate and nutritious food.
  • Food should be available at reasonable hours and drinking water available at all times.
  • Toilet facilities (toilet, hand washing and hand drying facilities) must be accessible to each Guide participant.
  • *After the appeal is finished the Guide must be accompanied by their parent or an adult authorised by their parent/s to travel home.
  • *This requirement does not apply if the child is more than 12 years of age and the distance home is less than 10 kms and public transport is available, and the travel is in daylight hours
  • Guides must not enter a private dwelling when soliciting door to door; and not solicit, sell to or collect from a person in a motor vehicle.
  • Guides must not fundraise for more than four (4) hours a day—three (3) hours if under 12 years of age.
  • Guides must not fundraise before 6am or sunrise (whichever is later) and not after 7pm or sunset (whichever is earlier).
  • A Guide is not to lift any weight that would be likely to cause injury.

Apply to have half your travel cost covered by Girl Guides.

Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT have a dedicated fund available to provide Members with financial assistance to attend special projects, camps, training and international conferences as well as to provide Volunteers with financial assistance to attend administrative events.

Members of Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT and non-member volunteers in NSW, ACT & NT are eligible to access the fund.

An individual may access this or any similar fund only once in three years.

Applicants will be eligible for assistance of up to half the travel component of their expenses.

Youth applicants must be recommended by their Unit Leader.
Adult applicants must be recommended by their Region Manager.

Applications for Youth and Adult members must be submitted in writing to the Acting State Commissioner no later than 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the event.

Selection is decided by the Acting State Commissioner.

The outcome of the selection for Youth and Adult members will be advised in writing to the applicants by the Acting State Commissioner or her delegate.


Tickets & General Information

How old must I be to attend the event?
Guides must be a minimum of 5 years old by 21 June 2024 to attend this event. Discuss with your Leader about attending prior to purchasing a ticket. 

If my membership is not current, can I still attend?
No, your membership must be current for you to attend this event and all your fees must be up to date. Your membership status will be checked before the event.

What if I can no longer attend? Can I get a refund?
Refunds will only be offered to those who notify us in writing that they cannot attend before the registration closing date. 

If the event is booked to capacity, can I be put on a waiting list?
Yes. The event fills quickly and we do create a waiting list. However, we can’t guarantee you a place.

Will the event still go ahead if it’s raining?
The event will go ahead even if it is raining. In the advent of extreme weather conditions there is a contingency plan.

Will the event be catered?
Yes, All main meals will be catered.

Guiding Requirements

I am a Unit Leader in Training, can I take my girls to the Great Guide Sleepover?
Yes, but you must be accompanied by a Qualified Leader.

Can Adult Non-Members attend the event?
Yes, however each adult non-Member will need to follow the Child Safe Child Friendly requirements and be screened prior to attending the event.
Adult non-Members will need to purchase their own ticket to the event to be able to begin the screening process. Please allow at least 2 weeks for screening.  

Terms & Conditions

  • Attendees must be a minimum of 5 years old and be a valid Member of Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT to attend this event.
  • Membership must be current for all participants to be registered and to attend this event and will be checked.
  • Following the registration close date no refunds or name changes will be offered.
  • If you need to leave the Great Guide Sleepover early on Sunday or will be arriving late on Saturday night, contact the Events Team by email.
  • Only Adult Members with current Leader Qualifications should attend unless adult non-Members are needed. All Adult Members must be part of a Unit and maintain an adult to girl ratio. If you are bringing adult non-members (females only) to bring with your Guides please register them by purchasing an Adult Helper Ticket. Interim Leaders can only attend if they are assisting fully Qualified Leaders.
  • Non-Member Adult Helpers need to be registered as an Ongoing Volunteer to attend 
  • If you are using a bus to take your girls to the Wildlife Park, and the bus driver is male, he cannot stay overnight at the Great Guide Sleepover.

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